Saturday, December 27, 2008

School and flu season strikes again

I was going to hike today but I have a fever. I think I have my usual September-May sinus infection. I wish I could afford Beconase, it helps a lot but is just too expensive at $75 per bottle. In England you can buy it over the counter for $8.00 a bottle. I was all packed to go including my lunch. Maybe I will go for a drive and have a cup of coffee at later today instead. The snow is melting slowly. Hiking in melting snow with mixed rain and snow falling from the sky can be miserable and cold. With just snow it is cold enough that you don't get too wet but mixed rain and snow soaks you and chills you to the bone.

Unemployment is going up in my Mini City

Puddles of water are forming on the roads and the Purdy Cut-off road was briefly closed due to flooding from snow melt. There is a big puddle of water under my Jeep. I'm waiting for new wiper motor for my Jeep to arrive. I took the old one out and just need to pop the new one in but the snow has delayed the arrival of the motor. I don't feel like driving without wipers in this weather. With rain-x on day time driving is fine but night time driving is blinding.

We seem to be getting a rain on snow event this is bad news for the forest and the trails and the rivers. I wish I had been up on the Skok to see it happen last year maybe I should head up there now to watch it happen this year.

Update my new wiper motor came in and I installed it and it works. I'm feeling rather proud of that achievement. I wonder how much money I saved by doing it myself?

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