One More Wet Wet Hike
(mushrooms growing out of moss growing out of a tree)
My eight year old released my toddler (20 months) from her stroller and they were running around the store squealing. Outdoor stores are not exactly child friendly places so this made me a bit nervous. But with the prices they charge I decided not to let it get to me too much. Still I had a headache caused by having to constantly discipline them while trying to try on rain gear.
This first store had poked big holes in all it's merchandise by inserting plastic anti-theft devices in it. The last thing I want in my rain gear is giant holes. Also all the rain clothes were designed to make me feel fat and short. I'm not fat or short but I could stand to lose ten pounds and I'm 1/2 inch shorter then the average woman. I left the store feeling decidedly short and fat.
On to the second store, through the rain soaked streets of Olympia during a torrential November downpour. Since none of us had rain gear I really should have driven to the next store. But it's always a hard call as to what is easier, walking several blocks in the rain or putting the baby in the car-seat, driving to the destination and then taking baby out of car seat. Keep in mind that baby sometimes fights going into her seat and then screams for 1/2 hour after she is put in it. Baby was in a fighting mood that day too.
By the time we made it to the second store we were all soaking dripping wet and the kids immediately started their usual carry on. After about two hours (well maybe a half hour but it felt like two hours) of insanity I had picked out what I felt was very nice rain gear and was actually pretty excited about it.
Before I could check out I had to nurse the baby so I sat on a bench made out of a snow board and the two of us got down to business. When she was done I put her in her stroller while she screamed her guts out totally enraged and being forced to sit . The check out clerk was understanding though . When she rung it all up total was $335.00 DANG!!
(Lions Mane Mushroom)
I found all the same gear online for $80 less but now I have to wait a week for it to come. I'm a hiking addict , I must hike every week so that means I must take one more wet wet hike.
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