The start of the hike at the big washout
There was a pay station but I did not see a register for hikers
Burned Ridge from Constance fire
Park Entrance
Fire Damage
Rock Slide on the trail road
Lake Constance Trailhead demolished by the fire
No fishing!
Burt Rock and Cut tree
Fire Damage Pano
A pretty rock
This is the road!
Smashed sign
Dosewallips Falls
Dosewallips Falls
Neigh Neigh Neigh, but I am not a horse
Station Creek hydroelectric building, very recently buried
Drowned hydroelectric building and sign at the end of the road
Ralph the bear's old place in the valley
Do not enter sign for people coming down the trail.
The shit house was a welcome site indeed!
Lunch spot
Dosewallips falls on the walk out
Elkhorn campground has had some maintenance
Green and blue
Mount Jupiter
The damage to the road from the Constance fire was not as bad as I expected. I saw two cyclists on the trail who were on their way out from camping.
My Jeep made it over the washout before the washout so I started my hike at the big washout. I was a bit scared driving over it but my Jeep did just fine.
I went 21 days without hiking due to sinus trouble. It felt really good to be back out there today. Maybe I will calm down a bit now.
After seeing how nasty Staircase is in the summer, I think I vote for this road to never being repaired; not that my vote counts for anything. I enjoyed the solitude and the lack of crowds and the lack of rangers. But I never actually saw what this place was like when the road was open.
I had enough energy to go up the trail, but I stopped at the campground because dogs are not allowed on the trails.
I started my hike at 10 am and finished at about 3:45. My moving average was 3.7 MPH on this smooth road/trail.
12 miles with
1,100 feet elevation gain
Average moving speed 3.7 miles per hour!
216 miles on my shoes
Other times I have blogged this hike
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
I also carried my then 12 month old the entire way on my back (after one hell of an argument with my husband) sometime in 2005, but before I started blogging. That may have been my favorite trip.
I was suprised by the new damage at the end of the road.
Excellent photos, love the mossy trunks and the twisted madrona. The washout shots are interesting also.
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