Friday, February 28, 2014

Dosewallips in the Snow and Mr. Velvet Voice in the Traffic

Snow over my boots, time to change my socks

I decided to burn up a whole bunch of gas and take my high clearance gas hog up to the Dosewallips.  Taking the gas hog was a good choice as it turns out.  I was quite surprised to see snow well before the start of my hike.  I had not brought gaiters or snowshoes and was unsure of how far I was going to be able to go when I saw snow at the start!
Snow from the very start
I started my hike at the washout at about 10am.  At first the snow was about 2-4 inches deep but then it got better and there were some bare patches on the road as it climbed up.  By the time I got to Constance Creek the snow was getting deeper.  It was tough going, but I really wanted to make it to old Dosewallips car campground for lunch, so I plodded on.

Luckily someone had broken the trail all the way to the waterfall.  After the waterfall, all the human tracks in the snow were gone and I followed a deer track.  There were cougar tracks on either side of the deer track! 

 Near the campground even the deer track ended and I had to break the trail.  It was very tough going at this point and I was getting snow over the top of my boots.  I thought of turning back, I was worried about how tired I was going to be on the hike out.
Patches post holes

I reached the Ranger Station at about 1pm and it was the only place that was sunny.  The campground was in a deep cold shade.  I decided to take my lunch and make my tea on the porch of the little ranger station rather than sit in the shade by the river.

a lot of snow for just 1,600 feet
I finished lunch at about 2:30 and began my hike out.  I wanted a longer lunch break but I was starting to get cold, so I had to go.  The hike out was uneventful. I stopped at Constance Creek and changed my socks as they were getting damp and I was getting a hot spot on my big toe.   I stopped again and had tea at Elk Horn campground.  That tea was enough to propel me back to my vehicle.  My calves began to cramp up at the end of this hike, so I know I got a really good work out.

On the way home I stopped the Triton cove to photograph the sunset.  Shortly after I left Triton cove I found that my road home was totally closed off.  Oh no! Not again.  The last time that 101 was closed off on my drive home from a hike I had to sit for 2.5 hours.

I got out of my car to try to see what was going on.  Then a man with the most wonderful velvety voice came up behind me and asked me if I knew what was happening.  Mr. Velvet voice was parked on the road right behind me.  It was love at first sound! 

Nothing to do but take pictures while parked on 101

 Yes, he was out of shape and nearly as old as my father, but oh that voice!  Oh that friendly deep manly voice made of  velvet.  Suddenly I flashed back to the last time I got stuck on 101 after a hike and the man from Nehalem who just happened to have a bed in his car and had invited me to join him in his car while we waited for the road to open. Hmmmmm

No, I did not join him, but I admit I was slightly tempted. 

I learned that Mr. Velvet Voice lived in Longbeach and he was on his way home from teaching squids how to reintegrate into civilian life after their discharge from the Whidbey Island Navel Station.  He had also been caught in a traffic jam near the Hood Canal Bridge so he was running quite late.  He was a widower. 

I met several people who were in line behind me and it was kind of interesting to get to know other folks who were on the road at the same time as me.

After about half an hour the traffic started moving again and soon I saw that a motor home wreck had been the cause of the delay.  A “Swift” semi truck with no C.B. was right in front of me and was going too slow, he really should have pulled over to let us all by.

Mr. Velvet Voice was still behind me in his car and it made me happy to know he was there.  But then just before the Skokomish River he passed me and the truck in front of me at the same time.  Mr. Velvet voice was gone and he was a dangerous driver as well.  No matter, love is blind.


12 miles with 1,200 feet elevation gain
 1,600 calories without taking the snow into consideration.

(more pictures are coming)

Cougar tracks

Cougar tracks
Bridge over Constance Creek

This sign has been moved down to the middle of the road

Camera on Ranger Station

Cold Barbeque anyone?

Tea time with my new home made
tea cozy.  It cost me nothing to make the cozy
since I already had all the parts on hand

List of things I did wrong

Moss on a post

Fun at lunch time

June seems a long way off right now

Triton Cove

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