Monday, September 3, 2007

Tricholoma subumbrinum -our best guess

We have keyed this out to Tricholoma subumbrinum useing the key at Mycoweb We are sure it is a tricholoma but not sure if it's a subumbrinum. I'm glad I can type this latin name out because I sure can't pronounce it.

Matsutake is a Tricholoma so this is related.

Ok we got an answer from an expert who says it is probably Tricholoma focale. Very interesting because when I first spotted this my daughter and I agreed that it was a "Zellers Tricholoma" AND the old scientific name for Tricholoma focale is Armillaria zelleri. So we were right last year and this year when we guessed at it based on pictures but when we tried to key it out this year we were wrong.

I keep an eye out for Zellers Trihcoloma and am happy when I find it (even though it is poison) because it can mean that there is Matsutake around.

I have Matsutake breath. I grilled some and made soup out of the others. The bits that were wormy are in my daughter's maggot farm. While we were enjoying our Matsutake feast the skies opened up.

The rain came down as hard as I have ever seen and lightening bolts struck just under two miles away. What a powerful storm that was and totally unexpected. I'm looking at the local weather radar and it looks like another storm that is just as intense is coming our way. This is great news, it was starting to get a bit dry and we needed some rain for mushrooms. I hope this is all the rain we see this week. Too much rain would sog out all the mushrooms. This might just be perfect, one good hard rain followed by a week of no rain.

We are going to check out our King Bolete spots tomorrow but we might be jumping the gun a bit.

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