Saturday, September 8, 2007

Matsutake Glut On the Alaska Highway

Matsutake or Pines are selling for only $2.00 per pound.   Here is a pile of Pines that a buyer discarded as junk because they were not perfect buttons.

In Japanese Matsi=Pine Take=Mushroom

1 comment:

David said...

Thats just plain sad.
I have been hunting matsutake for 17 years and have seen a cash industry attribute to the destruction of not only the fragile forest floor environment but also the mushrooms picked! What a joke. My Issei (first generation) grandma taught me to pick without leaving (footprints) any evidence you have been their as best as possible. Also, not to pick more than you use. What a concept. Well this is what money and greed does to men and women.

Its All About The Benjamin's