Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Mount Walker

The rain has been unrelenting this spring.  I decided to go up to an area that gets some of the rain shadow.  Missed Patches on this hike, first time back since Patches died.

Had a good time.  Placed Pokemon in the gym at the top.  They should stay there until the gate opens.

Rain was very light and the views were cloudy but nice.  Rode the bus as it's the only thing that makes sense.  Walker is 110 miles round trip, bus fare is $2.00 round trip.  It's nice to sit up high in a bus with big windows and look out over the Hood Canal.

Had the mountain to myself until I headed back down, then ran into quite a few people on the trail, including some young men who must have been scared of the woods.  When people are scared of the woods, they tend to howl and bark a lot.

6 miles 2,000 feet elevation gain

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