Sunday, February 26, 2017

Twin Harbors to Westport and Back

We had a nice walk or hike on the ocean beach yesterday.  We parked at Twin Harbors State Park and walk to Westport.  We had lunch in Westport before we walked back to Twin Harbors.  Sage came along and she did quite well.

Every dog I have owned just loved the ocean beach.  Dogs love the wide open space, water to splash in and birds to chase.

The tide was high and the sand was soft at the start of our hike, so we were kind of happy to get off the beach. The surf was quit big too, I expected to see more surfers.

We used the paved walkway once we reached the lighthouse park in Westport.  I enjoy playing Pokemon there with all the gyms and pokemon.  Most people don't get cell phone service in that area, so the gyms can be held for longer.

As we started to leave Westport rain and wind came in and it looked like the hike back was going to be cold and wet.  The rain soon stopped though and the hike back was pleasant.  My daughter drove, I'm more than happy to chip in $20 to get her to drive and she likes getting the gas money.  Her father spoils her a bit, so her car is actually quite a bit nicer than mine.

10 miles round trip with about 50 feet elevation gain.  4 miles of beach walking.

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