Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Steepness vs. Miles

This graph shows a slight relationship between the length of my hikes and how steep they were in terms of feet gained per mile.

Now if I toss out my beach hikes and valley hikes the relationship between steepness and miles is strong

The shortest and steepest hike (dot in the upper left) is Mount Ellinor from the Upper trailhead. The longest flattest hike is Big Creek (Quinault) to about 1 mile past the steel bridge.

Now if I only keep the hikes where I gained over 3,000 feet in elevation ( Duckabush to 6 mile
Mount Muller Loop, Mount Rose, Mount Jupiter, Putvin to Lake of Angels and Camp Muir)
I get an extremely strong relationship.  Proving you can "prove" just about anything with statistics.

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