Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Lake Swano and Makarenko Park


Just a dumpster dive hike in the city.  There are a few nice walks in Aberdeen and Cosmopolis but sadly the near constant stench from the pulp mill blights everything. 

I guess I need to wear a N95 mask if I want to walk around here and not get a sore throat from the nasty air.  

I started at Lake Swano at Grays Harbor College thinking it was a longer trail that it was.  Before I knew it I was off the Lake Swano trail system and had wandered in Makarenko Park.  I've never been to either place before.

Makarenko has a very pretty one mile long trail.  It was a joy to walk.  Too bad about the toxic air though.

I forgot to take a picture of "lake" Swano. 

3 miles today with 50 feet elevation gain.

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