Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Cowiche Canyon Trail

A somewhat urban hike in a different biome.  I wanted to do the Yakima Skyline trail while I was in the area, but I read that the road was rough.  I don't have a good trail car since I sold my Jeep.  So, I looked for something else with a better road.  Google helped me find this trail.  I still drove around in a circles a bit while looking for the trail head since SIRI had never heard of it.

I knew there was a side trail to a winery and I wanted to start there for car trail head security.  I was on the road,  so I actually I had some valuable stuff in my car.  I left half in my car and half in the hotel.  I found the East Canyon trail head before I found the winery trail so that is where I started.


I had the trail mostly to myself at first.  As I got near the far trail head the crowds picked up but were still not too bad. 

After hitting the Wast trail head and turning back I headed up the winery trail.  I had a glass of wine and cooked ramen at the top. The wine cost $7.00 for one glass.   I cooked my ramen kind of on the sly as I knew it would leave a temporary mark in the grass. 

 This was not my typical hike at all.  I had a great time seeing and doing something new.  The skies were so blue here too.

The trail got really crowded as I reached the end of my hike and the parking lot was so full that I was almost blocked in.

7 miles with 300 feet elevation gain

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