Three pictures I have taken. I took these with a Pentax K1000 with a 50mm lens and no filter. I loaded the film onto reels, developed the reels and then printed these pictures one at a time. It is a very time consuming process but it is fun too.

This guy landed in Shelton one day. He dreams of opening a legal marijuana pharmacy in this store.

Taken in a clear cut.

My daughter and a pile of old Olympia Beer cans near Lake West
I printed the next two from some old black and white negatives I found in my grandparents basement after my grandparents passed away. I wish my family would have let me have all the negatives so I could develop them.

I think this is great-grandma rigney

I don't know who this guy is. My Professor says this looks like it was taken in the 1940's. It was in the same film strip as the one above.
I also have printed a negative of Grandpa Lycan's oil well and what might have been his house. If my mother reads this blog maybe she can tell me who these people are.