Saturday, September 29, 2012

Codriophorus (Racomitrium) aciculare from the herbarium

I am in the slow process of  identifying 33 year old bryophyte (moss) samples from the TESC herbarium.  I did two Racomitriums today.  Racomitrium is tricky and the experts disagree so I try not to spend too much time banging my head over them.    Here are some pictures of Codriophurus aciculare . 

This one tricked me because I do not recognize cells like this to be pappilose.  I honed on on Racomitrium aciculare right away in my field guide but kept dimissing it due to lack of pappilose cells.  I love the online key to Oregon Racomitrium, in it I learned that these cells are pappilose, just not in a way that I recognize.

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