Friday, May 17, 2019

Elbo Creek

Every year I try to make it up north to Mount Walker for the Rhododendron bloom.  Every year I forget to do it.  Well this year I remembered, but I was about a week to early I think.  Maybe I'll go back next week.

Sage was a bit of a pest, wanting to be constantly petted on the bus and my left wrist is really sore, so it hurt to pet her.  Then at lunch time she mugged me for more water.  I was afraid she was going to kick my lunch and coffee over in her desperation for more water.

I packed a lot of water for her and hopefully she got enough.  The Jefferson Transit driver on the way a back was really nice.  Maybe the grumpy guy who hates people has left or has been moved to another run.  We can only hope.

4 miles 1,950 elevation gain

I spend almost as much time on the bus as I spend hiking on this run but it is a nice bus ride and it saves wear and tear on my car.

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