Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Evergreen State College to host "Fungal Expo"

When:  Thursday, December 8, 2011.
Time:   11:00am until 2:00pm..
Where: Library Hallway on the Evergreen State College Campus

Description We will be showcasing a variety of interesting projects related to fungal kingdom.

What kind of creature can be used as medicine, dye for yarn, for edible culinary delights, can break down plastics, grows year round in alpine areas, can be used as biomonitors for airpollution, and more? Fungi of course!

The students of The Evergreen State College's 2011 Fungal Kingdom class are bringing these shining star roles of fungi to the community on December 8, at the TESC campus. It will be located in the lobby adjacent to the library.

The 2011 Fungal Expo will feature culinary delights, info on how to cultivate edible and medicinal mushrooms, a fungi cookbook, fungal bioremediation of plastics, fungi-orchid symbiosis, lichen that are used as biomonitors, a mushroom dye workshop, and much more!

Invite your friends! Make the journey! It's free and you will be sure to learn a lot!

(P.S. If you have been "trespassed" from TESC by Larry Savage and  have been told by a judge to leave me the hell alone, don't even think about coming..)

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