Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Gollan's Bait and Trap Line Loop


A delightful grove of Nikau palm trees that I stumbled into

After a bit of inertia caused by feeling under the weather I headed back towards my recently discovered bait line on the Creek.  I’m loving these bait and trap lines.  The thought of photographing things with my macro lens helped to get me out of the house.

Eyelash fungi.  These are so small that I did not
notice that the black rings were hairs until I 
got home and looked at my photos on my computer.

I made this hike into a loop and made it out just before dark.  Covid restrictions have been eased and I can now hike outside of my region.  I see some trips in my future.

I found a bunch of geocaches on the trap line and I will log them AFTER I log my upcoming 1,000th find. 

It will soon be fall mushroom season back home but I found some spring Hydnums here today.

I’m waiting to find out if I can stay in New Zealand.  There is more than one reason why I might not be able to stay here.  One of the reasons is the severe housing crisis.

5 miles with 1,350 feet in elevation gain

Sadly this trap was my view at the best lunch spot I found at lunch time

This is where the fun and solitude start

Little Creek

Large liverwort or moss.  I need to look for a costa (midrib) with
my hand lens to know for sure

Gaint complex thallus liverwort  Monocela forsteri.

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