Thursday, May 6, 2021

Pukeko Hill


View from the local hills

That is the name I gave to the highest hill I can see from our house.  There are mountains in the distance but this hill is closer.  It was hard to get to with the state of the steep clay road.  I almost gave up in disgust but then I decided to treat it like any other obstacle and not fret about it, just figure out how to deal with it.  

There are so many of these steep clay road in the local area, if I want solitude I need to learn to deal with them.

On the way back I went just a little past the top of the trail that I take up and down and was surprised to find a picnic table.  I was also surprised that it was so close to the main track up in the local hills. 

I also saw a trail that is not on any of the maps that goes down to nae nae, or is it nea nea?  I don't like Nea Nea but I know better than to pronounced it Nay Nay, it is pronounced Ni Ni and it means mosquitos. 

I took my flying camera up for a look.  Rules on that are very strict here.  I won't be able to use it for photo journalism as you can't fly it over a road or over any private property.   

There are no pukeko birds on the hill but there are always lots of them at the trail head.  The trail head is just a pasture where the council plans to build a road to go over the  hill to Ni Ni someday. 

7 miles with 800 feet elevation gain

On the way back I found this path that is a short cut to home

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