Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Empty Dayton Falls


I'm a bit behind and have lots of hikes to post about from this summer.  Here is a short one close to home for now.   

 There is a little waterfall that I discovered in the Dayton Tree Farm last year.  It is hard to photo the falls due to the angle.  I've always wanted to walk up the deep gouge that the falls have cut out but there is always too much water in it.

Today the falls and the creek were completely dry so we got to walk into the bowl of the falls and take some photos.

Since this is a very short walk we brought Sage along with us.

I'm hating the new blogger format for uploading, resizing and captioning photos.

3.5 miles with 200 feet elevation gain, we made a loop.

(Earthstar puffball mushroom) 

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