Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cloqualliam Road Hike

My second visit to this particular logging road.  I like this area, it is peaceful, much more peaceful than the Dayton tree farm.  This area also has some wetlands so some of it might not be destroyed by logging.

Whenever I find a really pretty area in a tree farm I know that it is doomed.  The cutting schedule seems to be that as soon as it is pretty and starts to resemble and actual forest instead of a tree farm, it is time to raze it.  Turn it to stubble and scorch.

I'll enjoy this area until it is destroyed.  I will never be restored in my lifetime so when it is gone it may as well be gone forever.

There is a nice view at the top but the trees are growing up fast at the top where it was recently razed.  Again this is only an area to be enjoyed for a short time.  I'm glad I found it though, I really do like it.

I was a bit disorganized getting out of the house and I forgot to pack my camera, gps and satellite messenger.   So all I have for this hike are Iphone 7 photos. 

Six miles with 1050 feet elevation gain
I feel good the next day

Thimble berry flowers

Stinging Nettles

Filling my water bottle

Having a drink

Horse Tail

Almost made a wrong turn here

Devil's Club

Cold instant coffee before mixing

Lunch with a stinting nettle garnish

Giant stump, a reminder of what once was, back before the tree farms stole all the land. 

A weed.

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