Saturday, September 24, 2011

Mushroom Season

We found our first chanterelles two weeks ago. We went hunting again this week and only found a few but lots of buttons are coming up. I've not actually been out hunting.. I have a scout now.

I'm going to Trout Lake to do some mushroom and lichen hunting in October. I hope to get lots of good pictures, maybe even some micro photographs.

I have an ankle brace that was recommended by a mountain climber. It feels like a good brace and I hope to test it out soon. It feels solid and it does not hurt to wear it around the house. Of course it's going to hurt like hell on the trail, but my mountian climbing friend says he grew enough callus to make it quit hurting after a month or so.

I have not hiked since March, so it will be interesting to see what kind of condition I am in. My knee still hurts, but I'm going to go back to ignoring it since a doc could not dx it. Getting old is not for wimps!

I never ate the Matutake soup I made last year and I still have most of my canned chanterelles left, so I won't be canning shrooms this year. In case you're interested my cannned, pickled and oiled chanterelles taste great! 45 minutes at 11 pounds pressure is how I did it.

I put up 17 pints of no pectin added black berry jam this year (open water bath for ten mintues) and now most of my cans are full. Matustake soup for Thanksgiving even if we don't find any this year!

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