Decided to go to Kamlichee Ridge and take advantage of my enchanted pillar. Hiked up a new way and had to do some brush crashing when the road suddenly ended. Thought I was brushcrashing back to the road but instead found I was brush crashing to the spot where there is no road. The one spot where I always have to brush crash on this hike anyway.
Found a P
ortal to the rift of Arcana in the woods then a Dragon Mother also in the woods but down hill and back in the direction that I had come and gave it an egg to hatch. This added some time and effort to my hike but was great fun.
Very windy on the top. A Toyota 4 runner passed me on the way up without seeing me. When I got to the top the gate was open and a door to the tower room was open. Walked around the tower a few times without them ever noticing that they were not alone up there. Went down just a bit for coffee but it was too windy to cook..
While not having coffee the 4 runner left. They never saw me. Hiked down a bit more for noodles and coffee near a pillar of abundance. Was running a bit late due to the adventures in the portal. But went back into the portal on the way down, nothing there though.
Part way into the brush crashing section I noticed that my expensive camera was missing. Spent the next hour or so looking for it. I knew about where I lost it, but still could not find it in the heavy brush. Before leaving in total defeat, I sent a text to Phil and asked if he could help with his metal detector tomorrow. He said he would help, so I had some hope that it would be found.
Next day went back up with Phil and a relative and a metal detector and Phil found the camera under a sword fern with his metal detector. We then hiked to the top and took the shortest route back down.
Pretty tired after hiking two days in a row, but very happy to have my camera back! The neck strap had come undone causing my camera to fall off. Since it fell off into the brush it did not make a sound and I did not miss it until about 30 feet after I dropped it. I need to put some orange duct tape on it to help find it, but where it was under a sword fern tape might not have helped. Think I'll get a bluetooth tracking device for it.
A few weeks ago when I was on Mount Ellinor, my old GPS opened up and got water damage inside due to some cracked plastic that holds the thing together. I bought a replacement on eBay but it had battery acid damage and would not stay on reliably! I contacted the seller withing minutes of opening the box that it came in and they gave me a full refund and did not ask me to return the unit.
I used the unit on my last two hikes and it kept turning off but it was still somewhat useful since I knew the area. I would not trust it deep in the back country or in unknown areas and where my phone can not get data!
I have a new one on the way and will retire this one to the car when my new one comes. When the new one arrives I will hopefully once again have a unit I can trust when I am off trail in new areas.
6 miles with 1,000 feet elevation gain going the shortest way possible.
Last picture I took before I lost my camera |