The group hiked at a fairly relaxed pace stopping frequently to catch their breath and chat. This worked out well for me since I was still weak from the flu and three weeks of no hiking.
The first Geocache of the day was the one I hid at the trailhead on December 20th, I watched the others look for it. One of my pop can stoves was in the cache and I saw one of the group members examine it quizically but he did not ask what it was.

The Second geocache was at the funny bridge that has no water under it. I had looked for that cache before and failed to find it. This time the four of us failed to find it. We think the cache is missing. Snow really started dumping on us while we were hunting for it.
The third cache we went for was near lunch rock and was placed by a man who had severly injured himself whilst repelling down lunch rock about three years ago. We found that cache with a bit of effort.
The lake was mostly covered with ice and the ice had interesting patterns in it. The second image I altered to bring out the patterns the first is natural. Clicking any of the images on this page will enlarge them.

I think the black round spots that have cracks raidiating out from them may be caused by stumps and trees under the water. Lena Lake was formed by a natural land slide and the lake filled in where there used to be a forest.
There was not enough snow on the trail so we all carried our snowshoes for the entire hike. Snow was falling but it was melting almost as fast as it fell and the trees kept bombing us with snowballs. By the time we hiked out the snow was all turning to slush.
My hands and feet were soaking wet. As long as I was moving I was warm enough but once the hike ended and I had to sit in a car I got cold and did not warm up until I got home and had a hot cup of tea. I normally leave a hot thermos full of something in the car on a winter day but not this time.
I did have a nice hot cup of tea on lunch rock and my new stove worked great. It only needed 1/2 of the fuel I put in it. Too bad the others wandered off to look for a cache while my tea was brewing. My cuppa at the turn around point was not as relaxing as usual but it was hot and tasty.
I am quite stiff and sore this morning even though the hike was only 8.7 miles. I blame the flu. It seems like everytime I get into really good shape I get ill and then then have to work at getting in shape again. I'd really like to go long enough between illnesses to be able to lose weight. I was starting to hike twice a week and I was losing weight but now the lost weight is back and I have to start over again.

I had a good time hiking with the geocachers and I hope I can hike with them again next month but that is almost the same thing as hoping that my SO will still be unemployed next month. He works in the hospitality industry and usually has to work on the weekends when the geocachers (and almost all others) go hiking.